We hope you enjoyed learning the Dharma through our books. As a goodwill gesture, we are giving out a selection of complimentary books to all our customers, subject to availability. Please note that you will have to pay for the ADDITIONAL shipping cost. All the free books are brand new, but might have minor shelf wear. Each individual household may request up to 15 books. Formal non-profits are welcome to write us to place requests for more copies if needed.
希望您在閱讀我們的佛書中獲得法喜充滿。為了方便佛友們學習佛法, 本網站為您提供免費結緣書籍,贈完為止。您需要負擔結緣書的郵資。免費結緣書皆為新書,但表面可能有因存放或運輸造成的輕微破損。個人最多可選擇15本(套)結緣書;非營利組織歡迎聯絡我們以獲得更多書籍。